Contacting Ryan

Ryan Delaney offers competitive Training Rates and Packages to fit every budget and lifestyle.Contact Ryan directly to discuss your Fitness Goals.Ryan trains at Kerrisdale Community Centre,Vancouver General Hospital Corporate Wellness,Eastside Fitness

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A very busy but EXTREMELY Excellent week

Wow.What a week! a good week but busy.Running between Kerrisdale,Eastside Fitness and the Richmond Olympic Oval keeps me happy..I'm still processing the week before when I went out to the Justice Institute of B.C. and ran the POPAT[Police Officer Physical Abilities Test] as a guest of the amazing Rebecca Swan Fitness Coordinator for the VPD.I got 4:54 and a couple of re-do's but considering my age and the fact I didn't do any specific training for it, not bad.I WILL do it again, but man it was tough.
Training Police and law enforcement is a cause very close to my heart-those of you who know me well know why.
This week was really good as well thanks to my fantastic client Mr. Marshall at Kerrisdale..78 years old stroke, limited use of his left side, this guy blows my mind..He is always fifteen minutes early and his dedication could put someone half his age and in better physical shape to shame.
Then there were the two inspiring women at Eastside Fitness, Victoria has Parkinsons diseas but she is in great shape and there was nothing she wouldn't do.
Its people like that that make my job worthwhile.No amount of money can ever compare to the feeling you get when you come across people like that.
Had a few clients at the Oval too, where I am heading right now..
Next week is TSAC in Las Vegas..will post before I go

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Athletes Performance Part 2 coming up!!!

best training in the world-I am doing my phase 2 performance mentorship in May- easily the best money I have ever spent....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Eastside Fitness!!


Been training/teaching at a local Gym up on Fraser Street in the heart of Vancouver's East side[Obviously!!!]
This is a fantastic littlke Gym that offers classes for all fitness levels and abilities...I teach an Athletic conditioning class there Monday nights at 6:15 pm..the owners are really proactive at engaging the community in this area, the care and effort that they are putting into this Gym is truly inspiring. If your in East Van please check it out