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Ryan Delaney offers competitive Training Rates and Packages to fit every budget and lifestyle.Contact Ryan directly to discuss your Fitness Goals.Ryan trains at Kerrisdale Community Centre,Vancouver General Hospital Corporate Wellness,Eastside Fitness

Monday, December 30, 2013

Goodbye 2013-Hello 2014


It was a pretty good year.....the most significant thing that happened this year was turning 50...

Fifty...????? just the sound of it. It's a good time to take stock , look back but most importantly look forward.

Fifty......hmmm. on the plus side , life is good I am doing what I want , when I want and how I want.

On the other hand, there is a sense of time flying by, and as someone who was 90 once said after 45 "Every fifteen minutes it's breakfast" you get facebook friend requests from people you haven't seen in twenty years and when you see pictures of them a thought runs through your head "How the Hell did they get so goddamn old?", never realizing that they are probably thinking the same thing about you. I've been incredibly fortunate life wise. stable relationship for over twenty years, friends that aren't friends but are family, a mid life career that shows no signs of slowing down, and best of all no debt.

And yet there is a sense of wanting to accomplish so much more, wondering how much time is left on the clock, and what can be done before we shuffle off to either play a harp or shovel coal.[really hope it's the former] Life has been really good to me for the first fifty-I've worn many hats and had some amazing adventures, come through it all unscathed, wiser, world wearier, and sense of humour intact[ the most powerful weapon in my or anyone's arsenal] But ten or eleven years ago if you'd told me I'd be working and working very successfully as a Personal Trainer and coach ? Laughable. Nuts. Crazy talk. And yet here I am, working harder than ever, in a career I was born to do. And lucky enough to have the luxury of turning work down, never less than fully involved and most days running around like a nine year old after a shot of espresso and extra helping of Frosted Flakes. Lack of energy has never been an issue. I can still swing, squat, and dead better than a lot of people half my age.

What's left to accomplish? Much. A good Tactical Strength and Conditioning Division where I work. More teaching and trying to raise standards in this Wild West Business I'm in. More travel for pleasure. And above all else , more learning about well , just everything. For 2014 I want more balance and focus. Quality over quantity. Good education, receiving and giving. More time to paint my stupid pictures. Listen to more music. Read more and not just for work. Finish my TSAC cert. Increase my private business. And live my life either as an example or a warning. Your pick. Above all else I am beginning to realize how short all of it is , and after fifty how much bullshit and drama does not matter. And what matters is greater than before.

So bring on 2014, I really do think the best is yet to come , I've thought that every year and whatever challenges lie ahead are to be met with courage, optimism and compassion. So Here's to you 2014,Daddy is ready.

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