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Ryan Delaney offers competitive Training Rates and Packages to fit every budget and lifestyle.Contact Ryan directly to discuss your Fitness Goals.Ryan trains at Kerrisdale Community Centre,Vancouver General Hospital Corporate Wellness,Eastside Fitness

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Power of Reviewing

Busy week!-enquiries regarding Training and doing my schedule for the next week.. So far I have 13 sessions booked and there are more to come..I usually cap it at 15-18 but it looks like it will be about 20 Of that probable twenty sessions, 14-15 of them are all repeat clients who train with me 2-3 times a week, and have done for several years[ yes I said'Years']...As I was checking my email I came across a message from a former student who was feeling a bit discouraged. In it she asked me 'What's the secret? It must be so easy for you...."

Good question I thought...but off the top of my shiny forehead I didn't know how to answer.So I thought about it..

"What is the secret of success in this business of Personal Training? How do you keep sharp?"

I thought about the successful Trainers I know.They mostly have a few things in common.Great personality? Check.Good skill set? Well most of the time I would hope but not always.Dedication?Check.Organization? mmmm Check.Easy? No bloody way.This is hard work

I pondered more.I know very few people who stay in this business.It can be a very tough gig at times,long hours,back breaking work and trust me this most definitely isn't for everyone.The industry is littered with stories of people who gave up after six months,never to coach a squat ever again.There are a few that stick it out a bit longer but then throw in the towel because it just gets too hard.But for the successful ones, the ones that last five or more years ..what do they do that makes them a valuable commodity? What do they do differently to ensure they not only get clients , but get repeat clients?

I've been at this for over ten years now, and it is hard work but I still love what I do.I have the distinct luxury of working in an amazing facility, but as I sit here thinking about how to encourage this wayward student I'm also wondering why in my early fifties I continue to do well and thrive at an age where most people are looking for the gold watch, and a lengthy sojourn in Florida sitting on their retired ass playing canasta.

The answer?


I am constantly reviewing everything I have ever taken.I read constantly especially during my commute to work.And every Sunday[ On the Seventh Day The 'Ryan' rests] I wake up and make three cups of coffee[black no sugar or cream] and out come the books.

Last Sunday it was a review of the two NSCA TSAC conferences I attended in 2011 and 2012...brilliant resources that although aimed at First responders have some great applications to a general population. Next up was again a review of the Exos Athletes Performance Phase One and Phase Two Mentorships I took in 2011 and 2012.These materials and those programs are probably the best I have ever taken.I find that almost every other week I am going back to them. Check out their offerings: [ BTW I am not paid to endorse them- they are simply the best in the world that's all]

I also review and re read a lot of Dan John's material his books 'Easy Strength',Never Let Go','Intervention' and 'Now What' are essential reading for any Trainer or Coach.I also read and review a lot of Eric Cressey and Nick Tumminello- among others.I also go back to all of my NSCA study materials as well as going online and going through videos etc.Over and over again.

And that's not all..Two months ago a colleague of mine who is half my age and BRILLIANT was holding a Kettlebell swing workshop..I have taught thousands of swings in my time, coached it at all different levels.Now the workshop was excellent but it didn't really have anything in it I hadn't seen before..but what amazed me was how much of it I had forgotten.Being reminded of those things I had forgotten also helped motivate me and I like to think made me better. I would do it again.

I wrote that wayward student and did my best to encourage her, told her to hang in there and keep trying to be better today than she was yesterday..Hokey I know but.................and I also encouraged her to review,review,review.... constantly upgrade your skills and stay sharp.

SHAMELESS PLUG: April 7th and 10th is 'Practicum Refresher at Bentall through Inshape Training' If you want to sharpen your skills learn the best progressions and regressions for your clients as well as reviewing what you SHOULD be doing then come along... you can register right here..I look forward to seeing you:

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